CUBE 2020 third edition : apply now !


The second edition of the Contest for a better Use and Buildings
Efficiency ended on June,30th 2016 and the
 Awards Ceremony for prizewinners took place on October, 11th 2016. 

The increasing success of the contest among companies, education
structures and local authorities, and its excellent results (10% economy
savings in the 1st edition, 12,2% in the second) naturally leads the competition
to be renewed for a third season which will be held from January, 1st 2017 to
December, 31st 2017.

Applications are available until December, 31st 2016 to join the
200 energy efficiency forerunners that have been accelerating their energy
transition in an entertaining and creative way with CUBE 2020 since 2014.  

 Apply to the 3rd edition of the contest

In addition to the energy savings, to activate levers such as technical
optimisation and users’ awareness with a very
little fina
ncial expenditure drives to new collaborations, the
developpement of synergies and networking, the recovery of technical
professions and strengthening of social bond in the building.

is going to try to gather his own medal and even aim for a stand on the podium
in CUBE 2020 season 3 ? Get
the answer on January, 1st 2017 on the starting blocks !

