IFPEB organizes the CUBE Championship Contest

For one year, the users of the candidate buildings commit to reducing their energy consumption. They can register one or more of their commercial or residential buildings to engage their teams in the challenge of energy savings.

Objective of the Contest

A building’s energy consumption is the product of three factors: the quality of its construction, the quality of technical operations, and the responsible use by occupants. While it is easy to work on the first two factors, which are primarily technical, it is more challenging to address the human factor, that is, to train occupants to use energy responsibly.

The Efficient Building Usage Contest (CUBE) is a public interest initiative aimed at helping users of commercial or residential buildings effectively reduce their consumption by focusing on usage, better management, and operations. It involves implementing a fun competition among participants.


How does it work?

For a period of one year, the users of buildings participating in the contest must achieve energy savings compared to a reference consumption determined from the consumption of previous years. To do this, occupants can improve their operations, implement minor technical actions, and perform eco-friendly actions (e.g., better energy management based on actual usage).

The energy savings, observed from the monthly energy bills reported by the participating buildings, will result in a monthly ranking by contest categories, followed by a final ranking and awards. For new, recently renovated, or highly efficient buildings, a specific ranking will consist of getting as close as possible to a threshold value determined according to the methodology used in the tertiary decree.

Competing buildings will also be awarded medals (bronze, silver, gold, or platinum) based on achieving absolute energy savings thresholds (regardless of their ranking).

The contest will be accompanied by significant promotion and communication to highlight the engaged organizations and the best results.


By applying for the competition, the company or organization involved expressly authorizes A4MT to use its company name, its logo (the “distinctive signs”), and the number of buildings in competition, in the context of the production of the competition newsletter or the launch and closing events. The Distinctive Signs may be used, grouped with those of all the candidates, on any communication medium dedicated to the competition.

Sincerity of the consumption data

The candidates commit themselves to the sincerity of their declarations. The data declared for the purpose of the competition will be auditable upon request by the organizers. The winning candidates of a category will be audited by the organization of the contest on the entirety of the declared data.
May 2024
Registration opens!
July 2024
Building Registration
(Winter Challenge)
June 30, 2024

Start of the Contest

June 2025

End of the Contest. Awards Ceremony within Three Months

Registration procedures

To register for the competition, go to the Registration page on the CUBE website. The application consists of:
  • Entering the contact details of the committed company or organization that seeks to register (a) building(s)
  • Proceeding with payment to cover the registration fee
  • Registering the candidate building(s)!

Candidate resources

Candidate Resource Kits

A CUBE communication kit is given to the candidates (in electronic form). It contains the following various documents:

  • “CUBE Candidate Company” and “competing buildings” logos, which can be used in the internal and external communication of the company, posters, stickers, etc.
  • Technical instructions
  • A deployment guide
  • Feedback from previous phases

The committed companies/organizations are allowed to communicate internally or externally about their participation in the contest CUBE with the supplied communications support.

Recommended optimizations

If the first priority is to mobilize the occupants, the optimization of the operation is strongly recommended: adjustment of the setpoint temperatures, programming of the BMS as accurately as possible, optimization of computer resources (turning off unused devices, elimination of standby), implementation of local controls (switches), etc.

If heavy works concerning energy performance are excluded during the year preceding the competition which aims above all to improve the buildings in occupation, the building, after one year of competition, optimized on the uses and its piloting, will be in an ideal situation to consider them.

Communications & Events throughout the competition

Continuous communication, updates & events are provided to candidates from the beginning to the end of the contest. Some examples of what this will consist of:

  • Three CUBE informational candidate meetings
  • Press releases during key moments (to announce rankings, progress made, provide interviews, articles, etc.)
  • A launch event
  • An Awards Ceremony
  • News about the challenge in the media by our media partners

The candidate representatives (national contacts) receive our updates & are invited to our various events. Throughout the contest, the best stories, candidate interviews, and the most original initiatives are highlighted in our newsletters & shared with all candidates periodically.

A Contest Where Everyone Wins



5 to 25% of your annual energy bill per site!

Add Value

a sustainable development initiative



your teams for a good cause in a fun way


from the media exposure of CUBE

Objectifs du challenge

Your Participant Package

Prizes & Awards

Participating buildings are placed into categories, and earn individual medals based on progress in their category.

more than 25% energy savings,

20 to 25% savings,

15 to 20% savings,

10 to 15% energy savings.

The winners of each category
earn the top three prizes on the podium


Categories & Prizes

Categories of the CUBE contest

The contest organizers assign the various tertiary buildings in the categories in which they will compete, from the information entered during registration, to the following categories:

  1. Category of certified office buildings in operation (HQE, BREEAM In Use, ISO 50 001)
  2. Categories of non-certified office buildings, possibly classified into homogeneous subcategories of size if there are many candidates
  3. Category higher education buildings
  4. Category state buildings
  5. Category public buildings and local authorities
  6. Category buildings of the DROM
  7. Category semi-industrial buildings
  8. Category commercial buildings
  9. Category international building

Podiums and prizes

For each of the above categories, a “podium” will be declared consisting of a winner, a runner-up and a third, with the corresponding prizes being a gold, silver and bronze CUBE respectively.

In addition, on each previous podium, when the performance revealed by the competition will have been the result of a beautiful collaboration :

  • Between a user and their landlord,
  • Between a user and his energy efficiency consultant (operator, design office, energy manager…)
  • For collective housing buildings, a manager and the residents (represented by the residents’ committee).

This collaboration, with their approval, will be honored: both will be on the podium, an article will be written.

Some thematic prizes

Three thematic prizes for tertiary buildings will also be awarded:

  1. Category “greenhouse gases” (focus on CO2 progression),
  2. Best progression of the park: the company or organization that made the greatest savings on all the buildings declared in the competition (more than 5 buildings),
  3. Category Other Continents and Overseas Departments and Regions,
  4. Better communication/awareness campaign

Vous voulez rejoindre le concours ?

Candidate confidentiality

Candidate Confidentiality

The tool for processing the candidates’ contact information will be declared to the CNIL.

As this is a program of general interest, candidates will not be approached in the context of the competition on energy-saving assistance, unless explicitly requested by the candidate.

Similarly, as this is a program of general interest, the information entered will not be used in a commercial context. 

Consumption data

The site description and energy consumption data collected for the competition are not made public in any way, except for the three winners of each category of the competition in a summary manner.
During the monthly publication of the rankings, only the names of the first twenty candidates in the general ranking and the first three candidates in each category are made public.

The participants give the right to a non-nominative use, without reference to the buildings or to the company or organization, of the consumption data collected for the purpose of disseminating statistical results of the contest (average savings over the entire contest, standard deviations or any other statistical interpretations, etc.)